Papers please game grumps
Papers please game grumps

papers please game grumps
  1. #Papers please game grumps movie
  2. #Papers please game grumps full
  3. #Papers please game grumps code

  • Enter the code 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 1 3 in the 9-digit panel.
  • Drag the screwdriver to the wires connecting the monitor to the console to reveal a nine-digit display.
  • Press the red button six more times to reveal your screwdriver.
  • Enter the code I III II II III I (1 3 2 2 3 1 ) in the new panel to reveal a lever.
  • Meteors then rain in the city and it falls down.
  • Press the keys in this order: right, right, middle, left, left, left, middle, right.
  • Enter the code 1211 in the four-digit panel to reveal a small keyboard.
  • Enter the code 8367 in the ten-digit panel to reveal a four-digit panel.
  • A UFO tears the city down with a laser.
  • Press the top left button, top right button twice then top left button again in the newly revealed panel.
  • Enter the code I III II II III I (1 3 2 2 3 1) in the new panel to reveal a panel with four buttons arranged in a square.
  • papers please game grumps

  • A robot then runs in, zaps the city and punches over the central tower before standing in its place.
  • Enter the code 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 (in the remake it is 0 0 1 0 1 1 0) in the new panel.
  • Pull the lever to the right to reveal a two-digit panel with the word Bender on it.
  • A black hole then appears out of the central tower and sucks up the top half of the city.
  • Enter the code 1243 or 1244 in the VR edition in the four-digit panel.
  • Enter the code 8367 (8008 remake) in the ten-digit panel to reveal a four-digit panel.
  • The city inverts the colours and turns upside down.
  • Press the Green, Red, Blue (Yellow VR), Blue buttons in that order.
  • Drag the screwdriver to the top right panel to reveal four coloured buttons.
  • Press the red button 8 times to reveal the screwdriver.
  • #Papers please game grumps movie

  • The shattered Moon is a reference to a scene in the 2002 movie adaptation of H.G.
  • You will see the ruins of the city with The Moon shattered into pieces.
  • This is a reference to the Fallout franchise due to it taking you to 10/24/77, a day after the bombs fell.
  • Enter the code 8232 or 8008 in VR in the new panel to reveal a panel with a date and two buttons.
  • The entire room goes back in time to a mammoth.
  • Enter the code 8008 or 8232 in The Normal game in the new panel to reveal a panel with a date and two buttons.
  • Press the red button twice to reveal a 3 button panel.
  • #Papers please game grumps full

  • The game will automatically enter full screen and promptly close itself, so just reopen the game to start where you left off.(This does not apply to the 3D remake of the game.).
  • Pay attention to the 4 symbols in either corner as these will help with another ending.
  • Press the "?" button within the monitor.
  • This is the screen you see once clicked the ''?'' button.
  • Drag the hammer to the monitor to break it.
  • Press the red button 15 times to reveal a hammer.
  • A creepy face then appears and blood drips from the ceiling.
  • Mark the five points of a star on the 7x7 panel.
  • Enter the code 8367 in the new panel to reveal a 7x7 grid of buttons.
  • Pull the lever to the left to reveal a ten-digit panel.
  • Enter the code I III II II III I (1 3 2 2 3 1) in the new panel to reveal a lever.
  • Press the red button twice to reveal a 3 button panel.
  • Turn the lever and press the button again.
  • Wait one minute without touching anything.
  • 30 29th - (Remake version only) - War Games Ending.
  • 29 28th - (Remake version only) - Great Cleanser Ending.
  • 28 27th - (Remake version only) - Printer Ending.
  • 27 26th - (Remake version only) - Toxic City Ending.
  • 26 25th - (Remake version only) - Is She Here? Ending.
  • 25 25th - (30th in 3D Remake) Coffee Ending.

  • Papers please game grumps